Stray Cats Observer

Casual street cat photography

The Cats


Tabby cat sits on the hood of a car, facing us sideways
An orange cat lies on the grass in a strange pose
The tricolor tabby cat turned around and looked at us
A black and white cat walks past and looks back at us
A black cat is resting lying on its side under a bush
The ginger cat took shelter from the sun under a bush
The grey cat stopped hesitantly and looked at us inquiringly
Calico cat sits in a bright sun and yawns
Tabby cat sits sideways to us and looks at us
Close-up portrait of a red tabby cat
Two cats walk side by side
A tabby kitten peeks out from the bushes
Black and white cat sitting in front of a brick wall
A tricolor cat sits in tall grass
A tortoiseshell cat sits on the asphalt and yawns
A ginger cat sits near a pine tree
Waist up portrait of a tabby cat
A tabby cat comes to us on a summer day
A tabby cat lays down in the shade on the roof of a car
Tortoiseshell cat stands sideways to us and looks at us
Two tabby cats are walking in different directions
A tabby cat stands in the shadows and looks at us
A gray and white cat sits on the roof of a car and looks down at us from above
Orange tabby cat is unhappy with a ray of sunshine
A well-fed black and white cat approaches us
Tabby cat stands in the snow
A calico cat stretches and sharpens its claws on a tree trunk
Three ginger cats dine from one container
The white cat sits in profile to us and looks at us
A ginger cat comes out from around the corner into the light
A fluffy tabby cat peeks out from the bushes
A tabby and white cat rolls in the sun
A tabby cat stands in the snow and looks into the distance
The kitten sits on the back of the bench and looks at us with wide open eyes
A tabby chubby cat sits in the bushes and grins
A cow cat is standing sideways to us
A tabby cat sits in the grass on the side of a path
A ginger cat sits in the distance and looks at us over his shoulder
A grey and white cat came out to us and looked at us appraisingly
Fluffy tabby cat looks at us attentively, half-turned
A calico cat yells at a confused ginger cat sitting in a strange position
Tuxedo cat sits in the sun and looks at us indifferently
The ginger kitten is watching us from afar
Gray tabby cat stretching
A fluffy tabby cat and another tabby cat are sticking their tongues out at us (part one)
A tabby cat lies on a sandy beach near the water
A tricolor cat peeks out from behind flower bushes
A fluffy black and white cat walking by looks at us
A tabby and white cat poses for us
A tabby cat hides from the sun in tall emerald grass
Two cats sit next to each other in the sun near the wall of a house
A ginger cat crosses the road in front of us
The grey and white cat stopped in indecision when he saw us
The one-eyed cat looks at us appraisingly
A tabby cat sits in the tall grass and looks at us
A black and white kitten walked into a ray of sunshine
Close up portrait of a grey tabby cat
Two cats look at each other questioningly
The grey cat reaches out to us with curiosity
A tricolor cat sleeps sweetly on a bench
A tricolor cat sits on the asphalt and looks at us inquiringly
A fluffy tabby cat is walking along the path towards us
A ginger tabby cat lies on a ping pong table and looks at us
A young tabby cat fell asleep on a warm concrete slab
A tabby cat can be seen through the bushes
Two cats roll over from side to side in sync
Fluffy tabby cat sits on concrete ball in warm evening sun
White cat with red spots on head intends to leave
A ginger cat stretches while lying in the sun
A tabby cat watches us from a distance
A tabby, cross-eyed cat approaches us through the tall grass
A cow cat is sneaking up on us cautiously
Two cats sleeping curled up on the trunk of a car
A ginger cat sits in front of a flower bed
Portrait of a white cat with a pattern on her head resembling a bonnet
A tricolor cat lies on the lawn in the soft rays of the sun and looks at us
The tabby cat scratches behind its ear while continuing to look at us
A dark striped cat cautiously approaches us
A tabby cat sits in the autumn sun and looks at us half-turned
Black and white cat yawns while lying on the roof of a car
Three tabby cats sitting in the sun near a thicket of bushes
A tabby cat sits on the hood of a car and looks at us suspiciously
An orange tabby cat poses for us with his tongue hanging out
Gray fluffy cat sitting in the sunlight
A black cat with a white collar looks at us attentively, stretching out its neck
Fluffy tabby and white cat stands and licks itself
Two red cats sit next to each other under a pine tree
Tabby cat sits on the roof of a car surrounded by fallen leaves
A tabby cat lies on the hood of a car and looks at us tiredly
Fluffy cat sits on fallen tree against autumn foliage
A calico cat sits with its hind leg raised and looks at us
A gray tabby cat sits in autumn bushes with its tongue hanging out, squinting from the bright sun
A ginger cat sits in the grass in the sun's rays
A tabby cat hurries towards us through the autumn leaves
Tortoiseshell and calico cats sit in the sun in autumn leaves
Close-up portrait of a tricolor cat
The ginger cat stood up on the bench when he saw us
A tabby cat sits in an evening autumn forest and looks at us over his shoulder
A tabby and white cat sits near autumn bushes
Portrait of a gray tabby cat illuminated through tree branches
A tabby cat sits on the roof of a car
A ginger cat wakes up a tricolor cat by touching her with his paw
Tabby and white cat sits on a tire
A tabby cat sits on the roof of a car with a sullen look
A black and white cat is lying near the birch tree
A fluffy gray cat stands near the autumn bushes and looks at us
A ginger and white cat sits in a frame of foliage
A tabby cat sits in the tall grass and looks at us
A black and white cat stands with its hind paw extended to the side
A ginger cat sits in the grass in the sun
Two cats walk together towards us
Black cat sits on a trailer (part one)
Tabby and white cat sits on the roof of a car
Close up portrait of a ginger cat
A tabby cat and a black cat are sitting on a curb
A tabby cat sits in berry bushes
A well fed tricolor cat sits in the grass and looks at us
A ginger cat is looking at us from the bushes
A small tabby kitten sits on a concrete ball
A ginger cat is looking at us from the bushes
A calico cat lies in the shade on a hot day
Close up portrait of a grey fluffy cat
Black and white cat sitting on a swing at a playground
One tabby cat snuggles up to another
The cow cat sits in the grass and looks at us half-turned
A tabby cat sits in a sun spot
Cow cat sits on the roof of a car with a thoughtful look
Tabby cat sits on the roof of a car in a tense pose
A tabby kitten sits on the asphalt and looks at us
Two cats stand supporting each other
Tabby and white cat sits on the asphalt and looks at us
One eyed cat close up with flowers in the background
A three-legged cat sits on a log
Black and white cat sits on the roof of a car
Portrait of a ginger cat with a displeased expression
Three cats greet us at dawn
A white cat with black spots on its head sits on the asphalt and looks at us
Black and white cat stretching on roof of car
A tabby cat sits in the shade with a thoughtful look
Tuxedo cat stands in a strange pose, holding its paw along its body
Close-up portrait of a disgruntled tabby cat
A tabby cat emerges from a thicket of tall grass
A ginger cat lies on a bench and looks at us calmly
Black and white kitten sitting on the curb
Two cats are resting on the hood of a car with their backs to us
Portrait of a gray tuxedo cat close up
A black and white cat with a mustache sits on a tree and looks down at us
Tabby cat falls asleep on car hood in strange position (part one)
A tabby kitten sits in the sun among flowers
Ginger cat looks in amazement with his mouth open
A plump tabby cat sits on a path in a garden
A tabby cat stands in tall grass at dawn
A grey cat assumed a strange pose
Blue-cream cat sits in the sun and looks at us
Black-nosed tuxedo cat sits in the tall grass blending with it
A tabby and white cat is visible through the grass
Three cats sleep in the sun in relaxed poses near a car
A tabby cat walks resolutely towards us across the grass
A cow cat sits sideways to us and looks at us
A tabby cat and a tortoiseshell cat sit on different levels of a car trailer and try to reach each other
Black cat lies on roof of car against background of graffiti with dog
Tabby cat sits in the grass and looks at us half-turned
A black and white cat with a black nose peeks out from behind a car
Tabby cat lying in bright sun on car roof
A cat and kitten lie in a box on a car trailer
Ginger and white cat peers at us
A one-eyed cat sits in the bright morning sun
A grey cat sits behind the flower bushes and looks at us
Beige fluffy cat sits on a clover lawn
Close up portrait of a male tabby cat
Two cats are looking at us, huddled close to each other
A black and white cat lies on the asphalt with his paws tucked under itself
A fluffy tricolor cat hid from the sun in the shade of a tree
Gray and white cat lying on wooden board
Two ginger cats bask in the morning sun
Cow cat sleeps on roof of car at dawn
Tabby kitten playing with a stick
Tabby cat relaxing in the sun on the roof of a car
Two cats greet each other
A gray cat sits in the sun on the hood of a car and looks sternly at us
Black cat with a reddish tint in front of a black car
Orange cat sits in front of a car and looks at us
Black and white cat walks with hay on its back
A ginger cat is sitting near a bench
Several cats have gathered in a circle and are discussing something
Tuxedo cat sits in front of a red car
A calico cat sits on a flower bed
A tricolor cat sits in the first rays of the sun against the background of a fountain
A tabby and white cat sits in the rays of the early sun
A tricolor cat peeks out from behind a tree
Black and white cat sits on the roof of a car and looks at us
Orange tabby cat lies in the grass and looks at us
Waist up portrait of a black and white cat
Fluffy cat sits on metal fence
The cat's ears stick out from the thick tall grass
A fluffy cat is heading towards us
A one-eyed black and white cat sits on the roof of a car and looks at us
The black kitten has merged with the shadow of the car so that only its silhouette and eyes are visible
A ginger kitten lies near a blue pole on a sports ground
Beige cat sits on the rear view mirror of a car
Tabby cat sits on a training ground in the bright sun
Black and white cat stands with its back arched and looks at us
A calico cat sits in the middle of the driveway and looks at us
Fluffy tuxedo cat stands on the path
Close up portrait of a fluffy orange cat
Tabby and white cat sits among dandelions
A tricolor cat lies in the grass and looks at us
Tabby cat sits on boulders in the morning sun
Tabby cat sleeps on the hood of a car in the soft rays of the morning sun
Fluffy tabby cat sits in the sun
Tuxedo cat stands in the grass and looks at us
The cat lies on its back in the shade of the playground (part one)
Two white cats squint at us
A fluffy tabby cat cautiously approaches us
Two cats are standing near a car in the shade of a tree and looking at us
Tabby cat walks along a flowering bush
Two crows walk near a surprised cat
A tricolor cat lies in the tall grass
A black and white cat lies on the hood of a car and looks at us
The ginger cat looks back at us, going into the tall grass
Three cats are walking side by side towards us
A tabby cat sits near cars in the morning sun and looks at us
Tabby and white cat resting under a flowering bush
Tabby cat stands on a forest path
A sleepy cat looks at us from the tall grass
Gray cat sits with an outstretched paw and protruding tongue
Tabby cat sits under a burdock leaf
The tabby cat shows us with his paw where to put the food
A tortoiseshell cat sits on the roof of a car and looks at us (part one)
Tabby cat peeks cautiously from behind a tree
A tricolor cat moves in the shade of bushes
Tabby cat hiding under a flowering bush
Two cats bask in the sun (part one)
A ginger cat sits proudly on a paved path
Two tabby cats sit huddled together and look at us
Tabby cat runs across a lawn with tall grass
Two cats agree on something with their foreheads colliding
Black and white cat lies on the back of a bench
A beige cat is seen sitting on the asphalt next to a car
Two black and white cats sit on the hood of a car and look at us with distrust
Tabby kitten sits near an old brick wall
Portrait of a black and white mustachioed cat
A fluffy beige cat climbed a tree and looks at us
Four cats greet each other
A gray cat stands on the hood of a car and looks at us in surprise
Tabby cat sits near a tree and looks at the evening sky
Close up portrait of a black and white cat
Orange tabby cat sits in the sun and looks at us
A one-eyed black and white cat is resolutely heading in our direction
Orange tabby cat stands in the grass in the evening light
Two identical gray and white cats sit near a car wheel
Black and white cat lies on the roof of a car
Tabby cat looks at us half hidden behind the curb
Close up portrait of a fluffy tabby cat
Black and white kitten sits in the grass in the sun
Two cats walk side by side
A tabby and white cat sits on a concrete block overgrown with moss
A tabby cat sits near a tree, eyes closed, in the bright autumn sun
Gray tabby kitten stands on the branches of a tree in the rays of the sun
Ginger and white cat sits on the roof of a car
Flame point kitten sits in the grass and looks at us
Tricolor cat stands with its front paws in a puddle and looks into the distance
Fluffy calico cat lies in the grass
Gray and white cat looks at us at sunset
Tabby cat sits on a metal staircase
Ginger and white cat crawls under the fence
Sleeping tabby cat seen through the opening in the bushes
Tabby cat scratching its neck on autumn background
A tricolor cat stretches and sharpens its claws on a tree (part one)
Waist up portrait of a tabby cat
A tabby cat is heading towards us along the path
Red tabby cat sits near a bush
A kitten and a crow stand in the first rays of the morning sun
A red-and-white cat stands in the grass sideways to us and looks at us
Gray tabby cat sits in tall grass
Ginger cat sits in withered grass
Red and white cat peeks out from behind the fence
Tabby and white cat looks at us and licks his lips
Calico cat enjoying the sun (part one)
Tabby cat sits on a bench and yawns
Ginger cat sits in the sun in the blueberry thickets
Two kittens sleep cuddled up to each other (part one)
Tabby kitten sits sideways to us on a bench
A black and white cat approached us on the roof of the car
A tortoiseshell cat sits in the shade and carefully watches something
White fluffy cat walks towards us through the tall grass
Close up portrait of a round-eyed tabby cat
Ginger tabby kitten lies on the asphalt and looks at us
Two tabby kittens sit on the roof of a car (part one)
Young grey and white cat sits in the grass
Tabby cat sits in the pathway in the evening sun
Fluffy tabby kitten decisively came out to meet us
Miniature calico cat meets a large crow
Little tabby and white kitten sits on the asphalt near the bushes
Close up portrait of a large male cat
Close up portrait of a fluffy tabby cat
Close up portrait of a young male tabby cat
Tabby cat hidden in the grass
Tabby cat sits and looks at us
Tricolor cat sitting by the curb
Two kittens cuddled up to each other and look at us
Tabby cat sits in the sun
Tabby and white cat lies hidden in the tall grass
Tabby cat stands on its hind legs holding onto a tree trunk and looks at us
Red kitten lies in the sun
Close up portrait of a tuxedo cat
Counter sun portrait of a tabby cat
The calico cat looks at us, puzzled
Tabby kitten peeks out of the wheel arch of a car
Brown tabby cat sits near a tree
Calico cat sitting on the curb
Tabby cat looks at us with a skeptical look
A red tabby cat lies with his eyes closed in the grass in the sun
Tabby kitten sits on the asphalt and looks at us
Bengal cat sits in the grass and looks at us
Tabby cat sits behind a fence in the yard
Close up portrait of a grey cat
Two black cats stand with their backs to each other
Tricolor cat sits sideways to us and looks at us
Cat with a curled tail stands sideways to us
Black and white cat sleeps on the roof of a car
Close up portrait of a well fed tabby cat
Tricolor cat sits by a tree
Cat falls asleep in the summer sun
Red and white cat sits among dandelions
Black cat sits on a bench in the scorching sun
Orange cat hiding in the bushes
Gray and white cat sits behind the curb and looks at us (part one)
The cat scratches its chin with its hind paw (part one)
A ginger cat lies on the hood of a car and looks at us
Tabby cat sits proudly with squinted eyes
Two cats pass by us huddled together
Close up portrait of a grey and white cat
Tabby cat walks towards us
Tabby cat sleeping on the bench
Two cats lie huddled together on the hood of a car (part one)
Calico cat sits in the forest clearing and looks at us
Tabby and white cat sits in front of a car
Tabby and white cat sits in the tall grass
Close up portrait of a fluffy tabby cat
Tuxedo cat with a white cheek shows tongue (part one)
Three cats sit on a car
Black cat stands on the roof of a car
Tabby and white cat sitting in the grass
Black and white cat sits on a sunlit path (part one)
Tabby cat approaches us across the lawn (part one)
Black and white cat sits in the tall grass
Red tabby cat inspects the territory
Calico cat sits in a forest clearing
A ray of sun falls on the face of a cat lying in the shade
Tabby and white cat peeks out from behind a tree
Orange cat sits on the asphalt
Close up portrait of a tabby cat
Life of a cat colony (part one)
Portrait of a blue-eyed cat
A gray tabby cat lies on a bench and looks at us
White cat climbs a tree
A fluffy tabby kitten comes out from around the corner into the sun
Orange and white cat sits on the bench
Fluffy calico cat backlit by the evening sun
Close-up portrait of a calico cat
Tabby cat walks along the curb towards us
Close up portrait of a ginger and white cat
Tabby cat sits in the middle of the road
Black and white kitten in the midday sun
Grey and white cat sits in the grass and looks at us
Gray tabby kitten buried its nose in a board supporting a tree sapling
Tabby cat is coming towards us
Gray tabby cat warms itself on a ventilation pipe in winter
Fluffy beige cat yawning
Red and white cat sits on the asphalt
Tabby kitten walks along a flower lawn
Tabby cat sits on a manhole cover
Orange tabby cat sits in a forest clearing in the sun
Cat and crow walk side by side (part one)
Tabby cat looks around from a tree
Tabby cat sits on a bench with a menacing look
Close up portrait of a yawning cat
Cat lies on the bench and looks at us with an unkind look
Three kittens are secretly discussing something
Black and white cat sits in the autumn sun
Orange cats sits in the pile of autumn leaves (part one)
Fluffy tabby cat sits in the rays of the autumn sun
Red cat lies in tall autumn grass (part one)
Close up portrait of a round-faced black and white cat
Tabby kitten crawls along the branches of a bush
Two cats greet each other
Close up portrait of a tabby cat
Close up portrait of a green-eyed black and white cat
A tabby cat looks at us inquisitively from the tall grass
Tabby cat sits in the shade and looks at us
Ginger cat looks thoughtfully into the distance
Black cat sits on the lawn among dandelions
The cat stands over the puddle and looks at us
Tabby kitten froze in confusion on the hood of a car
Tabby cat sniffs a bush
Tabby and white cat stands in the snow sideways to us
Male tabby cat sits on the ground
Black and white cat sits in the middle of the snow
Two kittens sit near a parked car
Tabby kitten peeks out from behind a flower bed
A fluffy cat walks towards us through tall grass with dandelions
Black and white cat washes himself on the steps of the stairs
Tabby cat sits in the grass and looks at us
Ginger cat wrinkles his face with displeasure while sitting in the snow
Close up portrait of a tough tabby cat
Black and white cat froze in thought
A small tabby kitten sharpens its claws on a tree trunk
Tabby cat fell asleep on the roof of a car
A tricolor cat stands on a tree branch and looks at us
Tabby cat dozing on a bench
A ginger cheeky cat sits on the curb and looks at us
The gray cat looks at us searchingly
Tricolor cat falling from a tree
Fluffy tabby cat lies in the grass at sunset
Tricolor cat sits in a ray of sun
Two kittens pretend to fight
Calico cat sits in the tall grass
Two black and white kittens are sitting on the asphalt. One is stretching, and the other is washing.
Tabby cat stretches
Black cat is standing sideways to us
Tabby and white cat sits in the grass sideways to us
Tabby cat sits in the bush and looks at us with crazy look
Black and white cat lies in the grass
Grey tabby cat follows tabby kitten on a bench
Orange cat sits on the pathway
Two cats rubbing against each other
Close up portrait of a male tabby cat
Black and white cat sits in the shade of foliage on a hot day
Calico cat sits on the bench in the sunlight
Tabby cat sits near a car
Gray tabby kitten walks into sunlight
The cat looks out of the entrance to the house
Tuxedo kitten sits on the porch
Tabby cat sits on a forest path
Calico cat rolling in the sun
Grey and white kitten climbing the tree (part one)
Tabby cat sits on the sidewalk and looks at us skeptically
Fluffy tabby cat sits on a small hill
A cat greets another cat (part one)
Close up portrait of an orange and white cat
A black and white cat looks at us over his shoulder from the trunk of a car
Portrait of a grey cat with a blep
White cat sitting on the sidewalk
The cat's head is visible from the blueberry bushes (part one)
Yawning calico cat
Black cat climbing a tree trunk (part one)
Portrait of a tabby and white cat
Two cats look at us caught by surprise
Orange and white tabby cat sits on a blue bench
Fluffy black and white cat sits on the hood of a car and looks at us
A tabby and white cat sits on moss-covered concrete slabs (part one)
A black and white cat is looking at us closely
Ginger cat sits in a clearing in the forest
Mustachioed cat half hidden in the grass
Orange cat sits on the edge of the forest
A tricolor cat looks back at us while standing on the fence
Two cats resting under a bush huddled together
One-eyed cat comes out of the bushes
Tabby cat sits on a stone overgrown with moss
Black and white cat resting on the roof of a car
Orange tabby cats play with each other (part one)
Black and white cat sits on a stone overgrown with moss
Tabby cat stretches and sharpens its claws on the roots of a tree
Striped tail sticking out of the fence
Tabby and white cat lies in the grass
A brown fluffy cat lies on the hood of a car and looks at us with one eye
Tortoiseshell cat looks at us with squinted eyes
Close up portrait of a black and white cat
Ginger and white cat looks at us from the roof of a car
Tabby cat sits in the distance against a tree background
A tabby cat sits in the grass and looks at us half a turn
Round-faced male cat lies on a car
Grey tabby cat lies on the hood of a car
Portrait of a senior tortoiseshell cat
Tabby cat sits in the bush
Black cat with a stern look
Tabby cat in the shade of foliage in the evening sun
Calico cat yawning at dusk
A black and white cat looks at us with fear from the hood of a car
Two cats sitting together on a bench
Ginger cat sits on the curb looking at us with attention
A group of cats resting on a bench
Kittens play with a teaser (part one)
Tabby male cat sits in the branches of a bush
Orange cat sprawled on the pavement
A beam of light falls on a kitten sitting in the bushes
Tricolor cat in tall grass
Tabby kitten sits behind the curb
Striped cat sleeps on the hood of a car in the light of the evening sun
Tabby cat wading through tall grass
Close up portrait of a black and white cat
Tabby cat is thrilled in the sun
Ginger and white cat sitting on the roof of a car
Tabby cat sits in the grass in the sun with a contented look
Two kittens are sitting near a pine tree
Tabby cat peeking out from a tree
Close up portrait of a big-headed black and white cat
Two orange cats cuddle up to each other
Black kittens sits in the grass
Tabby kitten sits in the tree
Orange cat lies on the hood of a car
Gray tabby cat sits in the grass dusted with snow
Tabby cat with a stern look sits on a curb
Black and white cat sits on the hood of a car and meows
Two cats sit modestly in the bushes
Ginger tabby cat put his hind paw behind his back
Fluffy cat stands sideways to us
Black and white cat sits in the sun and looks at us
Big male tabby cat meets a kitten
Tabby cat lies in the shade on a stack of cardboard
Half-length portrait of a calico cat
Tabby cat sits in the grass sideways to us
Grey tabby cat stands on a curb
Black and white cat stands on the hood of a car and meows
Tabby cat with a stern look lies on the hood of a car
Tabby kitten rubs his head against his mother
Red cat sitting on the playground
The cat sits thoughtfully leaning its back against the curb
Two black cats look at each other unkindly
Grey cat looks through the foliage
Orange tabby cat sits in the grass
Tabby cat preparing to climb a tree
Close up portrait of a chonky black cat
Close up portrait of a young tabby cat
Tabby cat peeks out from behind the curb
Two cats look warily somewhere to the side
Fluffy tabby cat sits in the grass
Calico kitten sits in the autumn foliage and looks at us
Brown tabby cat sits in the grass
Full height portrait of a tabby and white kitten
A calico cat came out of the bushes
Tricolor cat sits on the bench
Tabby cat stretches arching its back high
Tabby and white cat lies on the hood of the car and looks at us warily
Beige fluffy cat lies in the grass
Gray kitten found a tree branch
A cat and a kitten are sitting on the hood of a car
Kitten snuggles up to a one-eared cat
Tabby cat sits in the grass
Full-length portrait of a ginger and white cat
Black and white cat peeks out of the thicket with curiosity
A curious tricolor kitten looks at us from behind the bushes
One kitten pushes another
Fluffy tabby cat stands on a gravel path
Big male tabby cat sits in the tall grass
The tabby cat froze on the bench with a pensive look
Tabby kitten hidden in foliage
A gray tabby kitten stands with its front paws on the armrest of a bench and looks at us
Full height portrait of a black and white tuxedo cat
A group of three tabby cats look at something in the sky
Tabby cat sits deep in the foliage
Three tabby cats minding their own business
Orange and white cat sits in the sun with a raised hind paw
A black and white kitten bravely heads towards us
Tortoiseshell cat peeking out of the bush
Three kittens climb one after another on the bench
Tabby and white cat sits among spring vegetation
Calico cat met a hedgehog
Tabby cat looks at us with curiosity
Tricolor cat sits in tall grass and yawns
Two kittens cuddled up to their mother and are getting ready to sleep
A tabby cat lies in the shade on a park path and looks at us with interest
Fluffy cat is hiding in the grass
Tabby cat sits in the shade and looks over his shoulder
Two cats rub their heads
Portrait of a wary cross-eyed gray and white cat
The cat is frightened by the appearance of another cat
A red tailless cat stands with its front paws on the curb and looks at us
Black and white cat sitting on a car
Tabby cat peeks out from behind a tree
Black and white cat sits in the tree hiding in the foliage
Grey tabby cat yawning
A tricolor cat emerges from tall grass
Three cats sleep cuddled up to each other
Three cats are walking past us on their own business
Tabby cat starting to walk towards us
Tabby cat hides in the bushes
Grey cat lies on a yellow car with indifferent look
Orange tabby cat lies on the bench
Close up portrait of a calico cat
Little tabby kitten lies in the sun
Tortoiseshell kitten hides in the bushes
Two red cats rub their heads
Tabby cat lies under the leaves of burdocks
One kitten is holding another by the neck
Tabby and white kitten looks at us on the go
Tabby and white cat sits high on a tree branch
Fluffy tabby and white kitten sits in the driveway
Sleepy black cat lies on the trunk of a car
Tabby cat and white cat near the curb
Close up portrait of fluffy tabby and white cat
Tabby cat hiding in a flower garden
A striped cat sits on a fork of a tree with its back to us and looks at us over its shoulder
Orange tabby cat sits on the pavement sideways to us
Chonky tabby and white cat sits on the concrete (part one)
Fluffy cat looks out from the bushes
A cow cat with black nose sits in the tall grass
Tabby and white cat lies in front of the dandelion lawn
The cat sits leaning against the wall with a pensive look
A black and white cat sits with its back to us on a tree branch and looks half a turn
Tabby cat sits straight and looks at us
Tabby kitten comes out of the bush
Three cats in the sun, two of which raised their paws
Fluffy white cat sits on the hood of a car
Two kittens sit in the snow and look at each other questioningly
Fluffy tabby and white cat
Tricolor cat sits in the distance and carefully watches us
A tabby cat walks towards us in the spring park
A ginger cat sits in a spring forest
Calico kitten comes out of the shadows into the sun
Grey and white kitten looks from behind the tree
Young fluffy cat basking in the autumn sun
Black cat sits in the flower bed
Kitten sits halfway in the shade
A tabby cat stands in the snow sideways to us
Fluffy calico cat sits in the autumn bushes
Tuxedo cat lies on the roof of a car and looks at us
Calico cat lies on the curb
Black cat sits on the porch behind the rails
Tabby cat looking at us cautiously from the shade
Ginger and white cat is standing sideways to us with a look of confusion on his face
Close up portrait of a very fluffy tabby cat
Cat silhouette in the plexiglass window
Grey cat lays in the dry grass
Orange and white cat sits on the bench
Tabby kitten sits in profile in the shadow of a car
Two sleepy tabby cats on the bench
Close up portrait of a tortoiseshell cat
Grey cat sleeps on the hood of a van
Close up portrait of a calico cat
Orange cat sits in the tree
Tabby cat sitting in the shade of a tree
Fluffy tabby and white cat sits in the distance in the bush
Tabby cat lies on a car
Ginger and white cat stands in the meadow
White cat in a strange pose
Tabby cat lies in the bush
Black and white cat lies in the pile of autumn leaves
Tabby cat partially lit by sunlight
Orange kitten peeking out from her house
Fluffy stray cat froze in surprise
Black and white cat with an amazed look (part one)
Black and white moustached cat yawning
Two kittens sleeping on the wheel of a car
Close up portrait of an orange and white kitten
Grey tabby cat sits on a boulder
White cat stands on the trunk of a car
Two cats are playing in the evening sunlight (part one)
Black and white cat looks at us with surprise over her shoulder
Portrait of a tabby cat from above
Black and white kitten hides behind the wheel of a car
Fluffy tabby cat sitting under an apple tree
White kitten lies behind a tree
Tortoiseshell cat sits on a fence and nibbles on a branch
Ginger cat with a frightened look hides in the bushes
Close up portrait of a black cat
The cat looks outside from the car
Tabby cat rolling in the spring sun
Three cats greet each other by rubbing their heads
Orange kitten peeks out of a roadside ditch with curiosity
A white cat with a long tail lies on the trunk of a car
Tabby cat lies in the pile of autumn leaves
Close up portrait of a tabby cat
Grey and white cat stands with a raised front paw
Full height portrait of a tiny tabby kitten
Black and white cat sits on the roof of a car and looks at us
A cat passing by stopped to look at us
A tricolor cat with a pink tint looks down at us from a ledge
Tabby cat stands on the curb
Cat and kittens interact on a warm sunny day
Tabby and white kitten stands on the curb and looking at us
Tabby cat lies on the bench
Grey tabby cat sitting on the side of the road
Tabby cat listens to us attentively
Tabby cat lies on the hood of a car (part one)
Orange kitten sits on a park path
Stray cats explore the playground in the early spring sun
Calico cat sits on the road and looking around
Sleepy tabby cat sitting on the bench
Close up portrait of an orange cat sitting in front of fallen leaves
Tabby cat in the tall grass
White flamepoint kitten looks out from cat house
Cat and kitten greet each other standing deep in autumn leaves and backlit by the sunlight
Orange and white cat looks at us in half a turn
Tabby cat drinks from the fountain
Orange and white kitten stuck his paws through the fence standing in snow
Close up portrait of a black and white cat
Calico cat sits on the roof on the ventilation pipe
Black cat sits in a flower bed
Orange tabby cat sitting in the snow
Tabby cat lies on the bench
Fluffy tabby cat stands on a snowy road and looking around
Tuxedo cat framed by foliage
Orange tabby cat walks through the winter forest
Fluffy calico cat with a stern look sits on a bench
Tabby cat sleeps under the tree
Fluffy tabby kitten sits in the shade
Черепаховая кошка лежит на парковой дорожке
Tabby and white cat yawning in the evening sun
Tabby and white cat walks in winter forest
Two cats lie against the wall
Orange and white cat stands in the snow looking at us
Tabby cat lies in the driveway with his front paws on the curb
White fluffy cat sits on the hood of a car
Kittens play with a car wheel (part one)
A tabby cat sits on the porch
Portrait of a tuxedo cat
Orange and white cat sits in the snow with a raised front paw
Profile portrait of a grey cat
A tabby and white cat stands in the snow with his front paw raised
Two cats having a conversation on the roof of a car
Tabby cat grooming herself against the background of autumn
A black and white cat sits on the roof of a car and peers at something in the distance
White kitten moves secretly in the snow (part one)
Tabby cat sleeps in the tree
Calico kitten runs away from a bigger ginger kitten
Red cat looks at us over his shoulder
White fluffy cat sits in a tree
Tabby kitten climbs the tree
Sleepy cat with a kitten sit on the pavement
Tabby cat stands among the snowdrifts
Profile portrait of a tabby and white male cat
Tortoiseshell cat sits on a snow-covered bench
Fluffy orange kitten sits in the grass
Fluffu tabby cat sits near the wheel of a car
Black and white cat sits with his mouth open
Sleepy tabby cat rests on the roof of a car
Red fluffy cat looks around the corner
Grey tabby cat sits under the tree
Portrait of a black and white kitten
Two cats lie in the shade
Big-eyed kitten lies on concrete playing with a fallen leaf
Orange kitten and white kitten sit togeter near a tree
Tabby cat sits on the bench and looks at us
Black cat curled up on the roof of a car
Young tabby cat sits on the back of a bench
A large orange cat sits in the scorching sun leaning on the fragments of concrete blocks
A fluffy white cat hides behind a tree in a thicket
Profile portrait of a fluffy orange cat
Close up portrait of a tabby cat with a white kitten in the background
Close up portrait of a grey cat (part one)
One-eyed tabby cat stands in the snow with her tongue out
Orange and white kitten climbing the tree
Fluffy tabby cat sits half hidden in the snow
Two cats fight over something
Tabby kitten stands upright in tall grass
Fluffy tabby cat sits in the snow
Fluffy ginger cat sleeping up in the tree
One-eyed tabby cat walking in the snow
Two tabby cats look at us half-turn with disapproval
Waist up portrait of a black cat
Orange cat in the dandelion meadow
Tabby cat sleeps on the bench at dawn
Tortoiseshell cat sits in the snow with her hind leg raised
Two cats lie on the lawn
Full height portrait of a white colorpoint kitten sitting in the grass
Black cat sitting in the grass looking surprised
Orange cat falls asleep on the roof of the car in the rays of the evening sun
Tabby cat sits near a berry bush
White fluffy cat sits in the flower bed
Close up portrait of a grey tabby cat (part one)
Two tabby cats sleep on the bench
Tuxedo cat sits before the dandelion field
Orange cat sits in the autumn park
Tabby kitten sits in the snow while orange and white kitten sneaks behind her
A tricolor cat stands in a carpet of fallen leaves
Three cats are sitting on a bench looking bored
Orange tabby cat sitting on a concrete ball
Tortoiseshell cat looks at us in half a turn
Tabby cat lies in the shade with her front paws on a stump
Black cat lies on the hood of a car
Tabby and white cat stands in the sunlit meadow
Two cats resting under a tree
Orange and white kitten sharpens his claws on a tree trunk
Tabby and white cat looks at the sky
A fluffy cat sits in the sun and looks at us with a piercing look
Calico cat sits on the fence
Stray cat looks through the opening in foliage
Close up portrait of a tabby cat
Two kittens play in the snow
Tortoiseshell cat stopped washing and froze with a raised hind leg
Little tabby kitten sleeping in the sun
The cat crouched to the ground and looks into the distance
A cat and a kitten are standing close to each other and looking wary
Tabby and white cat sits on a stump surrounded by fallen leaves
Ginger cat lies deep in the bush
Black cat sits in the flower bed
Tabby cat sits with raised hind paw
Tabby cat sits in autumn grass
Chonky orange cat in autumn forest
Calico cat lies in the shade of a bush
Two kittens (orange and tabby) sit in the snow
Calico cat looking through the fence
Tabby and white cat sits in the flower bed
Tabby and white cat climbs the bush
Tabby cat siting in the bushes
Orange kitten sits in the snow
Black and white kitten walks with curiosity
Grey and white kitten looks from behind the tree
Three cats are sleeping on the bench
Tabby cat sits in the tall grass
Orange tabby kitten sits on wet pavement
Close up portrait of a black and white cat
Orange cat relaxing in the sunlight
Group of four cats with bored looks sitting on the bench
Orange tabby cat running in the morning sunlight
Close up portrait of a tricolor cat
Orange kitten climbs the tree
Two cats sitting in the evening sun
Yawning tabby cat is ready to take a nap
Tabby cat sleeping on the porch
Tortoiseshell cat sits in the tree
Close up profile portrait of a black cat
Three kittens climbing the wheel of a car
Close up portrait of a fluffy tabby kitten
Orange tabby cat sits on a carousel and licks his lips
White cat sits in the tree
Tabby cat looks out from behind the trees
Full height portrait of a tabby and white kitten
Calico cat stands on the porch looking through the fence
Two kittens synchronously climb a tree
Close up portrait of a black and white male cat
Autumn landscape with an orange and white cat
White kitten sitting near a tree looking at us
Fluffy tabby cat in autumn leaves (part one)
Black cat sleeping on the hood of a car
The cat under the bench looks at the cat on the bench
Chonky grey and white cat lies on the hood of a car
Yawning tabby cat
Tabby cat on autumn background
Cow cat woke up after sleeping on the hood of a car
Grey and white cat sits near a car
Kitten got interested in car mirror
Ginger tabby cat in the evening park
Tabby cat getting ready to sleep on the roof of a car
Autumn portrait of a black and white kitten
Orange cat stretching on an autumn background
Gray and white cat lies on the roof of a car
Two stray cats in the evening sun
Tabby cat lays on concrete with a stern look
Close up portrait of a white cat
Profile portrait of a tabby cat
Orange tabby cat in the garden
Black cat is approaching us demanding treats
Orange and white kitten looks through the opening in the trees
Tabby cat with a kitten sit against the wall
Tuxedo cat with scars on his face sits on a car
Gray cat sits with his back to us in cloudy weather
Close up portrait of a male tabby cat
Orange and white cat lies in the grass
Portrait of a fluffy tabby cat
Orange cat sleeps on a stump
Two cats cuddled up to each other
Orange kitten stands on his hind legs and looks in to a car grill (part one)
Full-length portrait of an one-eyed street cat
Curious cat peeking out from behind the car
Ginger cat sits in the tree looking at us cautiously
Tabby cat looks at us with surprise
Black and white cat with a pensive look
Two kittens (black and orange) sit against the wall
Black and white cat with disappointed look
Tabby cow cat sits in a tense pose
Little white kitten peeking out of the bushes
Calico cat sitting on the porch
Three cats sit on the roof of a car and look at us with disapproval
Young tabby cat sitting in the snow yawning
Cow cat standing in the grass looking at us
Ginger and white cat in the evening sun
Black cat lies in the pose of a seal
Two cats sit next to each other with a satisfied look
Little tabby kitten sitting in the sun
Calico cat sits on the fence and looks back on us
Closeup portrait of a yawning grey cat
Tabby cat sits in daisies
Portrait of a round-faced grey cat (part one)
Orange tabby cat lies on the porch
Black and white cat sitting on the back of a bench
Grey and white cat lies on the car
Close up of a tortoiseshell cat with determined look
Tabby kitten hugging a black and white kitten (part one)
Meowing tabby cat
One-eared cat looks at us over his shoulder
Tabby cat hides in the tall grass
A cat and her shadow on the concrete covered with fallen leaves
White cat hides behind the curb
Stretching tabby cat
Two two similarly looking black and white cats lie on the roof of a car
Fluffy calico cat sits on the roof of a car
Grey tuxedo cat sits on a car
Tabby сat lies in the grass
Slim black and white cat sits on concrete
Gray and white cat crawls out from under a car
Orange and white cat in the morning sunlight
A tricolor cat sits in autumn bushes with fallen leaves
A mustachioed tuxedo cat on the hood of a car
Gray cat looks over his shoulder in the evening sun
Winter cat with a displeased look
Cat arched its back and looks ahead
Sleepy fluffy grey cat lies on the roof of a car
Orange cat sleeping on the trunk of a car
Two cats sitting with bored looks
Tabby cat sits under a car (part one)
Close up portrait of a calico cat
Black and white cat up in the tree
Close up portrait of a cross-eyed tabby cat
Tabby cat going down the stairs
Kitten pushes another kitten while their mom doesn't pay attention
Close up portrait of a cow cat
Full height portrait of a white cat with some orange spots
A tabby kitten sits by a pine tree in an autumn park and looks at us
Tabby and white cat relaxing in the shade
Ginger cat looks curiously at a tabby cat in a strange pose
Portrait of a calico cat
Tabby cat on the background of autumn foliage
Gray cat sits in the middle of red tulips
Portrait of a black and white kitten
Calico tabby cat stands on a ventilation pipe
Gray and white cat sits on a car
Big eyed fluffy tabby cat
Two tabby kittens rub with their faces
Ginger cat climbing out from under a car
Calico kitten lies on the hood of a car
Tabby cat looks at us questioningly
Gray cat stands in the morning sun and looks inquiringly
Cow kitten meets an adult cat
Close up portrait of a tabby cat
Full height portrait of a calico cat in the snow
Black cat hides in the bushes
Portrait of tabby kitten from under another cat
Five kittens gathered near a car
Portrait of a calico cat on a dark background
Black and white cat whith his nose in the air
Calico cat with a disgruntled look sits on the concrete
A tabby cat looks at a calico cat with interest (part one)
Tabby cat lies on a children's carousel
Gray cat sleeping on the playground
Orange cat waits for a tabby cat to drink from the fountain
Gray cat lies on the roof of a car and looks at us
Young tabby cat hides in the bushes
Fluffy tabby kitten sitting in autumn leaves
Portrait of a mustachioed black and white cat
Tabby cat lays on the hood of a car
Gray cat with amuzed look
Orange and white cat in an angular pose
Half-body portrait of a calico cat
Three sleepy kittens snuggle up to each other
Close up portrait of a chonky tabby cat
White cat lies under birch tree
Black kitten outside on a sunny day
Gray cat looks at us warily
Orange and white cat in autumn leaves
Close up portrait of a black cat
Two kittens explore the truck (part one)
White fluffy cat looks at us with a demanding look
Profile portrait of a calico cat
Sleepy orange cat seen through the opening in the foliage
Orange cat is looking down from the roof of a car
Grey and white cat is staring at us from the roof of a car with disbelief
Tabby cat sits in front of flowers with her tongue out
Three kittens sit in circle looking at a rainworm
Calico kitten explores the neighborhood
Tabby kitten standing on the bumper of a car
Calico cat with a stern look hides in the bush
Tabby cat stands in front of concrete wall
Sleepy calico cat walks in the street
Black cat looks at us with suspicion
Cow kitten (first of the three)
Tabby cat sitting on a concrete ball
Black and white kitten looks at us in half a turn
Ginger cat stopped grooming himself to look at passers-by
Tabby cat lies near the wheel of a car
Two young cats cuddled up to each other
Tabby and white kitten sitting in the bush
Orange and white kitten is grooming himself
Close up portrait of a big-eyed tabby and white cat
Tabby cat looks up while leaning to the right of the tree
Ginger cat lies in withered grass
Tuxedo cat sitting in autumn leaves
Orange cat and tabby cat are sitting and waiting for something (probably for lunch)
Portrait of a grey and white cat
Ginger and white cat lies in the bushes in the autumn foliage
White fluffy cat sitting on the curb
Sleepy tabby cat in autumn evening
Two tabby cats sit on the bench
Black cat is watching us closely
Tortoiseshell kitten stands in the tall grass
Close up portrait of a black and white kitten
Tabby and white cat sits in the snow
Grey and white cat sleeps on the hood of a car
Adult calico cat washing a kitten (part one)
Calico cat looks around
Tabby kitten lies on the roof of a car in the evening light
Tabby cat sitting in the snow
Tortoiseshell cat on the roof of a car
Orange and white kitten in the tree
Male tabby cat looks at us with caution
Tabby and white cat with a dreamy look
Ginger cat peeks out from behind a stump
Black cat kissing her kitten
Close up portrait of a male tabby cat
Black cat sits on the concrete blocking the driveway
Autumn portrait of a fluffy cat
Orange tabby cat in autumn alley
Kitten stretches with hind leg raised
Tabby cat drinks from the fountain
A white cat sits guiltily in front of another white cat. A third white cat is watching them from a distance.
Tricolor cat sits with a disappointed look during a snowfall (part one)
Cat and four kittens
Tabby cat sits in the tall grass in the distance with a serious look
Grey cat sitting in autumn leaves
Orange cat stands in the snow looking around curiously
Close up portrait of a fluffy tabby cat
Close up portrait of a calico cat
Gray fluffy cat in the tall grass
Tabby cat sits on a stump in autumn park (part one)
Four kittens cuddle up to each other
Black and white cat siting next to a red car