Stray Cats Observer

Casual street cat photography

Fluffy cat sits on fallen tree against autumn foliage Close up portrait of a tabby cat with a white kitten in the background Fluffy orange cat sleeps in a tree

Stray cats I see in my everyday life in Saint Petersburg, Russia

Уличные кошки, которых я встречаю в повседневной жизни в Санкт-Петербурге

Close up portrait of a very fluffy tabby cat Three kittens are secretly discussing something Calico cat enjoying the sun Cat and kitten greet each other standing deep in autumn leaves and backlit by the sunlight The ginger cat looks back at us, going into the tall grass Beige cat sits on the rear view mirror of a car A fluffy tabby cat peeks out from the bushes Three cats greet us at dawn A fluffy gray cat stands near the autumn bushes and looks at us Two cats agree on something with their foreheads colliding Tabby cat sleeps on the hood of a car in the soft rays of the morning sun Tabby cat sits in the grass in the sun with a contented look Gray kitten found a tree branch Cat silhouette in the plexiglass window Tabby cat in the shade of foliage in the evening sun Orange cat sits on the edge of the forest Two kittens synchronously climb a tree A tabby and white cat stands in the snow with his front paw raised Three kittens climbing the wheel of a car A tabby cat and a tortoiseshell cat sit on different levels of a car trailer and try to reach each other Orange and white cat sits in the snow with a raised front paw White fluffy cat sits in a tree Orange and white kitten stuck his paws through the fence standing in snow Portrait of a gray tuxedo cat close up A ginger kitten lies near a blue pole on a sports ground Portrait of a gray tabby cat illuminated through tree branches Portrait of a senior tortoiseshell cat White flamepoint kitten looks out from cat house Orange cat is looking down from the roof of a car A tabby cat can be seen through the bushes Two kittens sleeping on the wheel of a car Calico tabby cat stands on a ventilation pipe Gray cat looks over his shoulder in the evening sun Five kittens gathered near a car A cat and her shadow on the concrete covered with fallen leaves Kitten pushes another kitten while their mom doesn't pay attention Young tabby cat sitting in the snow yawning A fluffy cat walks towards us through tall grass with dandelions Black cat sits in a flower bed Orange and white cat looks at us in half a turn Calico cat stands on the porch looking through the fence Orange tabby cat walks through the winter forest Three cats sit on the roof of a car and look at us with disapproval The cat looks out of the entrance to the house Close up portrait of an orange and white kitten Several cats have gathered in a circle and are discussing something Fluffy stray cat froze in surprise

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Tabby cat in the tall grass A white cat sits guiltily in front of another white cat. A third white cat is watching them from a distance. Three cats are walking side by side towards us Four kittens cuddle up to each other Black cat sits on the porch behind the rails Red and white cat peeks out from behind the fence Fluffy tabby and white cat sits in the distance in the bush Orange cat sits in the tree Fluffy calico cat with a stern look sits on a bench Tabby cat walks along the curb towards us Autumn landscape with an orange and white cat Orange and white cat in an angular pose Grey and white cat is staring at us from the roof of a car with disbelief Orange kitten stands on his hind legs and looks in to a car grill Tabby kitten standing on the bumper of a car Full height portrait of a calico cat in the snow Three cats sleep in the sun in relaxed poses near a car Fluffy tabby cat sits in the rays of the autumn sun Three cats in the sun, two of which raised their paws Grey cat sleeps on the hood of a van Close-up portrait of a white cat with sideburns Orange cat relaxing in the sunlight Tabby cat falls asleep on car hood in strange position One tabby cat snuggles up to another Close-up portrait of a disgruntled tabby cat Two red cats rub their heads A one-eyed black and white cat sits on the roof of a car and looks at us Calico kitten runs away from a bigger ginger kitten Close up portrait of fluffy tabby and white cat Grey cat lays in the dry grass Tabby kitten sits in profile in the shadow of a car Tabby and white cat sits on the roof of a car Two cats are standing near a car in the shade of a tree and looking at us A tabby and white cat is visible through the grass Grey and white cat sleeps on the hood of a car Tortoiseshell cat sits on a snow-covered bench Two kittens pretend to fight Calico cat rolling in the sun Orange cat stretching on an autumn background Tabby cat getting ready to sleep on the roof of a car Close up portrait of a calico cat Ginger and white cat sitting on the roof of a car Close up portrait of a calico cat Orange and white kitten sharpens his claws on a tree trunk Close up portrait of an orange cat sitting in front of fallen leaves Black cat climbing a tree trunk Group of four cats with bored looks sitting on the bench Cow cat sleeps on roof of car at dawn Orange cat in the dandelion meadow Stray cat looks through the opening in foliage Black cat lies on roof of car against background of graffiti with dog Two cats having a conversation on the roof of a car Ginger and white cat in the evening sun Close up portrait of a fluffy tabby cat Four cats greet each other Tabby cat drinks from the fountain Portrait of a ginger cat with a displeased expression Profile portrait of a grey cat Two cats lie on the lawn Close up portrait of a black cat Profile portrait of a tabby and white male cat