Stray Cats Observer

Casual street cat photography

Life of a cat colony (part one)

Life of a Cat Colony

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Life of a cat colony (part one) Life of a cat colony (part two) Life of a cat colony (part three) Life of a cat colony (part four) Life of a cat colony (part five) Life of a cat colony (part six) Life of a cat colony (part seven) Life of a cat colony (part eight) Life of a cat colony (part nine) Life of a cat colony (part ten) Life of a cat colony (part eleven) Life of a cat colony (part twelve) Life of a cat colony (part thirteen) Life of a cat colony (part fourteen) Life of a cat colony (part fifteen) Life of a cat colony (part sixteen) Life of a cat colony (part seventeen) Life of a cat colony (part eighteen) Life of a cat colony (part nineteen) Life of a cat colony (part twenty) Life of a cat colony (part twenty one) Life of a cat colony (part twenty two) Life of a cat colony (part twenty three) Life of a cat colony (part twenty five) Fluffy beige cat lies in the shade Two tabby cats are approaching us from afar Two cats sitting on the trunk of a tree One cat sat on another cat Fluffy tabby cat yawning Three tabby cats approaching us Tabby and white cat sharpens its claws on a tree Tabby cat sits on the sidewalk sideways to us Two tabby cats sitting together on the path Fluffy tabby cat illuminated by a ray of sun Two cats are being nice Tabby cat sharpens its claws on a tree Two cats sleep cuddled up to each other Fluffy tabby cat walks towards us Tabby cat froze in a strange pose Tabby cat lies on the path Cats hid from the sun in the shade Fluffy tabby cat lies in the sun Fluffy beige cat rolling on the asphalt The cat has separated from a group of other cats and is heading towards us Two tabby cats stand under bushes with berries Two tabby cats lie side by side Tabby and white cat sits on the path next to the lawn Two cats discuss something

SONY ILCE-7M4 + Tamron 70-180mm F/2.8 Di III VXD

f/5.6 1/500s ISO640 116mm
